Home-Based Care

The interests and the needs of the people we support are at the foundation of the services that we offer. All of our services are collaborative, flexible, person-centered and highly accountable. Our ongoing commitment is to meet the evolving needs of each person served. Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) services are voluntary services for individuals with diverse abilities.

Participants need a referral from Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) to access any of TDCSS’s Home-based and Cluster Living programming.

Community Inclusion Services

Community Inclusion is the name given to a host of programs that are indented to help you learn from others, make friends and enjoy being part of a community. Programs offer life skills like managing your money and finding employment as well as fun clubs and groups.

We work on goal-based skills development:

  • Cooking, fine motor skills, language goals
  • Sports/recreational/arts opportunities
  • Self-advocacy and rights awareness
  • Acquiring and maintaining meaningful employment
  • Building social connections through art club, sports club, movie club, bowling club and so much more!

TDCSS also provides a service to CLBC eligible adults called Residential Outreach. The purpose of the Residential Outreach program is to provide practical, targeted support for individuals who live independently in the community in order to maintain independence and improve quality of life.

Questions? Call Us

250 635 3178


8:30am - 4:30pm

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Let's get you started.

Let's get you started.

  • For a referral to Community Inclusion services and/or Residential Outreach, contact Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) at 250-638-3600 and ask to speak to a facilitator.
  • For more information about the programs, contact TDCSS via email info@tdcss.ca or call 250-635-3178.